What is Bright Mountain Media, Inc.’s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the OTCQB under the symbol BMTM.
Can I buy stock directly from Bright Mountain Media, Inc.?
No, you will need to contact a licensed stock broker or use an online trading account.
When was Bright Mountain Media, Inc. incorporated?
When did Bright Mountain Media, Inc. become a public company?
July 2014
Where is Bright Mountain Media, Inc. located?
6400 Congress Avenue
Boca Raton, Fl 33487
When is Bright Mountain Media, Inc.’s fiscal year end?
December 31st
Who is Bright Mountain Media, Inc.’s transfer agent?
VStock Transfer
18 Lafayette Place
Woodmere, NY 11598
T: 212.828.8436
Who are Bright Mountain Media, Inc.’s independent auditors?
WithumSmith+Brown, PC
1 Tower Center Blvd, 14th Floor
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Who is Bright Mountain Media, Inc.’s outside legal counsel?
Nelson Mullins
360 S. Rosemary Ave. Suite 1140
West Palm Beach, FL 33401